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All WoW spirit beasts and where to find them


  1. Locations of the spirit beasts of the eastern realms (WoW Spirit Beasts)
    1. Where to find Lightning Paw / Location Lightning Paw (Wow spirit beasts)
    2. Where to find the lost spectral gryphon / Location Lost Spectral Gryphon (Wow spirit beasts)
    3. Where to find Karoma, spectral wolf (Wow spirit beasts)
  2. Location of the spirit beasts of Kalimdor (WoW spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts
    1. Where to find Ban'thalos (Wow spirit beasts)
    2. Where to find Ankha and Magria (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts
    3. Where to find Gon (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts
  3. Locations of the Spirit Beasts of Northrend (WoW Spirit Beasts)
    1. Where to find Loquenahak (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts
    2. Where to find Skoll (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts
    3. Where to find Arcturis (Wow spirit beasts)
    4. Where to find Gondas (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts
  4. Locations of the Spirit Beasts of Pandaria (WoW Spirit Beasts)
    1. Where to find Gumi (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts
    2. Where to find Hutia (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts
    3. Where to find Degu (Wow Spirit Beasts)
    4. Where to find Elegon (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts
  5. Location of Draenor spirit beasts / Wow spirit beasts
    1. Where to find Gara (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts
      1. Steps to follow to get Gara in WoW / Wow spirit beasts
      2. Spiritual totem items to get the Gara WoW spirit beast
    2. Where to find the lost Netherwolf (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts
  6. Locations of the Broken Isles Spirit Beasts (Broken Isles) (Wow Spirit Beasts)
    1. Where to find Bulvinkel (Spiritual Beasts Wow)
    2. Where to find Myonix, Leyline Prowler and Mana Saber (Wow Spiritual Beasts)
    3. Where to find Pashya and Thicket Manahunter (Wow Spirit Beasts)
  7. Dragon Island Spirit Beast Locations
    1. Where to find Bloodgullet (Wow spirit beasts)
  8. How to get Hati, one of the best spirit beasts in World of Warcraft / Wow spirit beasts

When choosing one of the WoW spirit beasts for your hunter to fight alongside, there are 2 factors you will need to take into account, which we will explain in this article.

WoW spirit beasts, or sometimes called or searched on the internet as wow spirit beasts, are for everyone from majestic wolves to strong ghostly birds. All spirit beasts are also from the Tenacity family, which means they are exceptional in tanks and survival battles, and will also support you with damage reduction abilities.

Here’s where to find these WoW spirit beasts in Azeroth and beyond.

Important note: Only beast mastery hunters can tame spirit beasts in WoW, and you must beat at least level 10 in Dragonflight.

  • Additional note: We recommend installing the NPCScan add-on, which will alert you to the spawning of Wow spirit beasts.

Locations of the spirit beasts of the eastern realms (WoW Spirit Beasts)

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Map Stormwind

In this area, the eastern realms, we will show you how to find the spirit beasts Wow, Lightning Paw, the spectral griffin and Karoma.

Where to find Lightning Paw / Location Lightning Paw (Wow spirit beasts)

A ghostly gray fox, one of the beautiful Wow spirit beasts called Lightning Paw (known elsewhere as Lightning Paw), can be found just south of Stormwind City in Duskwood.

  • You can usually find it easily as it patrols the area around Raven Hill in the west, which is a large graveyard full of undead.

It can also hide in the bushes, so create a macro to target the spirit beast.

  • Important note: It has a long spawn timer, so be prepared to keep checking often if it’s not there (that’s why we told you about the NPCScan add-on earlier).
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Where to find Lightning Paw

Where to find the lost spectral gryphon / Location Lost Spectral Gryphon (Wow spirit beasts)

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Where to find the lost spectral griffin

The Lost Spectral Griffin is one of the WoW spirit beasts easy to get, if you are from the Alliance, as it is found in the depths of Ventormenta City.

  • Important note: It is only available to Hunters with Beast Mastery.

To get the Lost Spectral Griffin, head to the Master of Flight and look at the pile of hay on the right. You will see a single white feather, which you can click on to summon the griffin and tame it.

Where to find Karoma, spectral wolf (Wow spirit beasts)

Karoma, is another spectral wolf, and appears in and around the Firebeard Patrol, in the Twilight Highlands.

He’s one of the Wow spirit beasts, which is a rare sight, so keep watching the areas marked on the map in the picture I left above and you’ll see him at the end.

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Location of the spirit beasts of Kalimdor (WoW spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts

In this area, Kalimdor, we will show you how to find the following WoW spirit beasts: Ban’thalos, Ankha and Magria Y Gon.

Where to find Ban’thalos (Wow spirit beasts)

Another of the Wow spirit beasts of the Kalimdor area is Ban’thalos, a ghostly owl that is flying above the Shining of Malorne once you reach the same point in the quest line.

  • Very important note: It is one of the Wow spirit beasts very, very hard to get. The difference could be your ability to balance on a pixel on top of a tree….

To get Banthalos, you’ll need to somehow aim in the air, lowering it to ground level to tame it.

The falling damage will certainly kill you, so if you can’t do the tree trick in the image below, you’ll need something to mitigate it.

Wizards are neat, as they have the slow fall spell, but there are many toys, items and consumables that grant the same effect. Ask an engineer to make a Goblin glider kit.

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Where to find Ankha and Magria (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts

In order for Ankha and Magria to appear, you will have to complete 1st the Mount Hyjal quest line including The Shrine Must Not Fall, to unlock the daily Malorne Shrine quests.

It’s a pretty arduous and heavy task, so to start, talk to Ysera in Nordrassil and pick up Protect the World Tree.

At max level, it should take you about 2 hours to advance far enough.

Once all this is done, you will find either of these WoW spirit beasts, patrolling The Regrowth, the area formerly known as The Flamewake, which will now be populated by fiery Naga-like streamers.

The difference in the 2 WoW spirit beasts is in how they look to the naked eye:

  • Ankha is a spectral white, while Magria is a spectral blue.

They are not easy to catch if you are low level. For starters, you should take off all your armor before facing them, so they can’t use their 1-shot ability on you.

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Ankha and Magria

Where to find Gon (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts

Gon is the Horde equivalent of the Lost Spectral Griffin, as he is deep within Orgrimmar and only accessible to Beastmaster Hunters.

Locate the Warlock Trainer inside the Valley of Spirits, then click on the egg you’ll see in the basket next to the blue flame behind him.

Gon will spawn for you to tame.

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Locations of the Spirit Beasts of Northrend (WoW Spirit Beasts)

In this area, Rasganorte, we will show you how to find the following WoW spirit beasts: Loque’nahak, Skoll, Arcturis and Gondas.

Where to find Loquenahak (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts

A rare wildcat, it is one of the WoW spirit beasts, called Loque’nahak / Loquenahak and is found at several potential spawning points in the Sholazar Basin.

  • Note: There are no special conditions to tame this beast, but due to the wide extension, you may have to walk around the area a few times to find it and tame it.
wow spirit beasts

Where to find Skoll (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts

A dark blue wolf, Skoll looks great as one of the Wow spirit beasts, along with the character.

You will find it in the Storm Peaks, in one of the few spawning spots: a couple of them near the Temple of Storms and one in Brunnhildar Village.

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Where to find Arcturis (Wow spirit beasts)

You will find Arcturis in Grizzly Hills, in North Rasganorte. It is a Wow spirit beast in the form of a spectral bear that usually appears in Amberpine Lodge.

  • Note: As an exotic pet, you will need to be a master beast hunter to obtain it.

Where to find Gondas (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts

wow spirit beasts

This purple tiger named Gondas, is one of the WoW spirit beasts, found in various places in Zul’Drak.

  • Note: There are no real secrets to taming it, as far as we know, so walk around the area and see where it breeds.

Locations of the Spirit Beasts of Pandaria (WoW Spirit Beasts)

In this area, Pandaria, we will show you how to find the following WoW spirit beasts: Elegon, Gumi, Hutia and Degu, these last 3 are the porcupines of Wow.

Where to find Gumi (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts

Gumi is the 1st of the 3 spectral porcupines in Pandaria, this spirit beast can be found just east of One Keg in Kun-Lai Summit.

Important note: This is one of the Wow spirit beasts, which can be difficult to tame if you have too high a level, as it must be reduced below 30% health before you can tame it.

  • Tip: If you are too high level, we recommend that you unequip all your armor, use a low level weapon and give yourself the resurrection disease by killing yourself and resurrecting the Spirit Guardian.
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Where to find Hutia (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts

For Hutia, you must follow exactly the same process as with the other Wow Porcupine-type spirit beast: Gumi, i.e. leave the health at 30%, so that you don’t accidentally kill it before you can tame it.

You will find it in the Jade Forest, right next to the flight path of the Emperor’s Omen.

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Where to find Degu (Wow Spirit Beasts)

This spirit porcupine, one of the 3 porcupine-type WoW spirit beasts, is the final one, and is found in the Valley of the Four Winds, spawning south of the river near Stormstout Brewery.

  • Note: To get to the location, fly in from the edge of the grassy ridge.

Like its porcupine brethren, it can be a tough fight and can only be tamed once it is below 30% health.

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Where to find Elegon (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts

This is one of the best Wow spirit beasts, as it is a magnificent looking spectral cloud serpent, to get Elegon, you will have to head inside the Mogu’shan Vaults raid at the Kun-Lai Summit.

  • Note: This spritual beast, Elegon has no special requirements for taming.

Once you have Elegon as your pet, she will reappear so you can defeat her and advance to the final boss.

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Location of Draenor spirit beasts / Wow spirit beasts

In this area, Draenor, we will show you how to find the following WoW spirit beasts: Gara and Netherwolf lost.

Where to find Gara (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts

wow spirit beasts

A purple spirit wolf, named Gara can be found in the Shadowmoon Valley of Draenor era. You have to do several steps to get it, so it is one of the most difficult WoW spirit beasts to get:

Steps to follow to get Gara in WoW / Wow spirit beasts

  • Step 1: Visit the burial grounds in Shadowmoon Valley. Only if you are a Beast Mastery hunter, you will have the option to give it a scratch.
  • Step 2: Look for a rare spawn just to the north, Mother Om’ra. Kill the ones around her, then kill her as well. Grab the Shadowberries that fall and take them to Gara.
  • Step 3: Get the following items to create a spirit totem.

Spiritual totem items to get the Gara WoW spirit beast

Ancient boneThunderlord GiantslayerFrostfire Ridge64, 65
Torn fabricNecrophyteFrostfire Ridge25, 10
Raw effigyDry Wind BonepickerGorgrond45, 52
Elder incenseSethekk ProphetArak needles69, 42
Small fruitProwler WarsongNagrand71, 34
Wooden bowlGorebound LegionnaireLogger35, 73
Como hacer el Tótem espiritual para conseguir a Gara
  • Step 4: Back towards Gara (position 1), assemble the Spirit Totem by clicking on the Crude Totem in your inventory. Stand next to the disturbed tomb and use it. Gara will disappear after a short cutscene.
  • Step 5: Obtain a Void Lantern by killing the Shadowmoon Voidtwisters, found in Akeeta’s Hovel to the northwest, see the picture below for more information.
  • Step 6: Use the Void Lantern in the plains south of Elodor in Shadowmoon Valley. You will see several people gathered. Click on the dagger in the tree area to switch to a phased realm.
  • Step 7: Here, you must kill everything until Xan spawns, then kill him as well.
  • Step 8: Gara will become tameable.
wow spirit beasts
Steps 6, 7 and 8 to get Gara

Where to find the lost Netherwolf (Wow spirit beasts) / Wow spirit beasts

If, for some reason, you are like me or other players who like to collect all the WoW spirit beasts, or you want another cute purple glowing kitty, switch to the Void Realm by clicking on the dagger in the tree one more time.

Then, head slightly north to find the lost Netherwolf sleeping under a tree.

  • Note: Please note that this will only appear after you have tamed Gara.
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Locations of the Broken Isles Spirit Beasts (Broken Isles) (Wow Spirit Beasts)

In this area, Rough Islands, we will show you how to find the following WoW spirit beasts: Bulvinkel, Myonix, Leyline Prowler, Mana Saber, Pashya and Thicket Manahunter.

Where to find Bulvinkel (Spiritual Beasts Wow)

Surely named after The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, this is one of the WoW spirit beasts, shaped like a spectral moose that sits on a plateau directly south of the Halls of Valor in Stormheim.

  • Note: There are no special conditions to tame it.
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Where to find Myonix, Leyline Prowler and Mana Saber (Wow Spiritual Beasts)

Leyline Prowlers and Mana Sabers are WoW spirit beasts, regular spawns found between Tel’anor and the Lunar Guard Fortress in northwestern Suramar.

  • Note: Note: The only difference between them is the color, to get to the Marauders you will have to enter the Fortress, with the entrance located around coordinate 36, 24.

The elite spawn, Myonix, is surrounded by pink puppies and is located at the X on the map below.

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Myonix, Leyline Prowler and Mana Saber

Where to find Pashya and Thicket Manahunter (Wow Spirit Beasts)

The other 2 WoW spirit beasts, the Suramar sabers are found in the crimson thicket in the south of Suramar.

  • Note: The Manahunter is the easiest to get, which is a regular creature that appears frequently among the regular bush hunters on the south side. 
  • Note:The Pashya beast, an elite version of the spectral cat like Myonix, appears very infrequently, and potentially in different parts of the Thicket, so you will have to look for it.
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Pashya and Thicket Manahunter

Dragon Island Spirit Beast Locations

In this area, Rough Islands, we will show you how to find the following WoW: Bloodgullet spirit beasts

Where to find Bloodgullet (Wow spirit beasts)

The Bloodgullet, the only spirit beast found in the Dragon Isles, is a menacing horned one that roams the forests southeast of Maruukai, in the Ohn’ahran Plains.

  • Note: To see it, you will need a special power-up, this is located in a small hut to the northeast, marked on the map with an X. Click on the cluster of pink mushrooms on the table and head to the area circled on the map below to find Bloodgullet.
  • Important note: It only appears for beast domain hunters, and has a long respawn time, so it is best to think before you act.
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How to get Hati, one of the best spirit beasts in World of Warcraft / Wow spirit beasts

Hati is one of the best spirit beasts in World Of Warcraft, she is also rare, coming in 8 different essences, and is tied to a specific quest chain that actually starts in Battle for Azeroth content.

  • Note: To start looking for Hati, talk to the Image of Mimiron in the capital of Kul’Tiras, Boralus, which you can reach from a portal from Stormwind. He will give you the quest Spark of Genius.
  • Important note: Follow the entire chain to bring Hati back to life and unlock the ability to tame her. During Thunder Bonuses, do not enter the raid. Use the portal instead, and this will take you directly to where the Mimiron is. Talk to him and he will summon Hati, where you will automatically tame him.
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After this, you will be able to tame 5 other variants of Hati in the Temple of Storms, in the Storm Peaks of North Rasganorte.

What do you think about the WoW spirit beasts guide? Leave us a comment 🙂